Package of all 10
“Super- Me” Manuals $ 39.97
This is you playing full out…
Get All 10 “Super-Me” Manuals and start to see instant results…
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Manual 1: The “2 Steps to Success Program”
This is the #1 “Success” Program designed for Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace with regard to simplicity, ease of use and universal…

Manual 2: ” Super – Me”

Manual 3: The ” Brain Train Game”
This Manual teaches you a unique process to re-program your brain for Success. Through a carefully researched and designed system…

Manual 4: The ” Focus 30″ Program Introducing Take the 1st Step
“Focus”your total attention on YOUR “Success”. See IT. Plan IT. Schedule IT. Do IT. Your Success is right here in this plan…

Manual 5: Motivation and Circumstances
Mental Optimism Till I Vanquish All Those Excuses. This is the fast-track version of 100 years of Motivation lessons…

Manual 6: Make Change to Success
This Manual will guide you through the “changes” you and your life are about to experience. Hold on to your seat…

Manual 7: Character Attitude Perspective

Manual 2: IMAGE

Manual 1: Health: My Menu / Your Excercise
You are about to grow in Success beyond your wildest imagination. In order to keep up physically with YOUR Success…

Manual 10: Maximize Your Success
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