The “Super-Me” Series

Enjoy Yourself… This is the Beginning of Your Journey

Take your time and look at the Manuals… 
You will see the Table of Contents, an Overview and an Excerpt from each Manual… 
Learn these tools and implement them into your life on a daily situational basis… 
The results will be nothing short of Amazing.

Manual 1: The “2 Steps to Success” Program

This is the #1 “Success” Program designed for Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace with regard to simplicity, ease of use and universal…

Manual 2: “Super-Me”

I am going to introduce you to your very own Super Hero, not a cartoon but a real Success Tool that you can use Anytime you have a question… 

Manual 3: 

“The  Brain Train”

This Manual teaches you a unique process to re-program your brain for Success. Through a carefully researched and designed system…

Manual 4: The ” Focus 30 Program”

“Focus”your total attention on YOUR “Success”. See IT. Plan IT. Schedule IT. Do IT. Your Success is right here in this plan… 

Manual 5:

Motivation and Circumtances

This is the #1 “Success” Program designed for Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace with regard to simplicity, ease of use and universal…

Manual 6: Make the Change to Success

This Manual will guide you through the “changes” you and your life are about to experience. Hold on to your seat… 

Manual 7:

 Character, Attitude, Perspective

It takes a special person to handle the Success you are about to experience. This Manual explains the ins and outs to help you understand… 

Manual 8: IMAGE

This Manual will guide you through the “changes” you and your life are about to experience. Hold on to your seat… 

Manual 9: Health: My Menu / Your Exercise


You are about to grow in Success beyond your wildest imagination. In order to keep up physically with YOUR Success… 

Manual 10:

 Maximize Your Success


This is a crash course regarding over 30 “Key Success Tips” that are extremely effective in both your personal life and business endeavors…

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